Medical Statistics

A self-insured manufacturing company in Plattsburgh, New York was fighting increased costs in healthcare. They learned of a nearby PMR Work Comp clinic and invited PMR Healthcare in for a consultation.





Spouses and Dependents

$ 0

Savings In Year One

A success story from PMR

PMR Healthcare (PMR) consulted with the client and showed the client’s management team that they were not too small for PMR to provide them with a successful, savings-driven clinic solution. Once PMR was selected as the client’s clinic operator, PMR worked diligently to design the clinic solution that this specific client required.

An approximately 924 square foot PMR clinic was opened to all 492 employees and their families for 50 hours a week.The clinic was designed to treat patients for all of their primary care and episodic care effectiveness. PMR also added a prescription dispensation program to the client’s site, allowing patients to receive most medications for free and the client to see Rx savings.

PMR spent the first year focusing on educating the client’s employees about the PMR clinic and its advantages to the employees and their families. Focusing on patient education and interaction was an integral part of overall cost effectiveness.

Savings & Statistics


As a self-insured company, the client realized significant benefits from their PMR clinic- primarily increased savings on total health care costs. These savings can be seen in the following numbers:

Before PMRAfter PMR
Annual Cost$4,611,600.00$3,937,766.00
Cost Per Employee$9,373.00$8,003.59
Annual Cost Savings in Year 1: $673,834.00
Annual Total Savings Per Employee in Year 1: $1369.41 (16.7% savings)

The client saved $673,834.00 in the first year of operation alone! Because of a dedicated partnership with PMR, the client routinely saw cost savings, positive patient outcomes, and use of the onsite PMR clinic in the following years as well.